Despite Twirling Jennies having been edited multiple times by multiple professionals, I knew that minor mistakes would still be turning up after it went to press. As one editor put it: “The text is so rich there are always more layers to delve into… I could proof this forever.”
Unfortunately, the first mistake to come up was someone’s name in the list of contributing photographers, a mistake that no one could have been expected to catch but me, and I didn’t. Since the idea was to thank this person, not to publicly mangle his name, a correction went in promptly to the printers. But several copies went out with the misprint.
So I would like to thank Meyer Billmers here, along with the others properly thanked in the book (Doug Plummer, Ella Carlson, & Corey Sciuto) for providing some wonderful photographs to help me tell the story of dancing in Lowell. I’ve also added a link here and on the “Links” page to Mr. Billmers lovely image of C# Pavilion at Dusk (currently image #10 in the gallery). It is impossible for the printed page to equal the impact of this particular image seen electronically.
There are a great many other people who also contributed to the book with information and images (although no one else with recent photography of their own). Perhaps I’ll take a stab at listing them all in a future post.